After you train, get in a full dose of Adenoflex and, as you adapt, consider bumping this up to two servings per day (post-training and a couple hours later, or one double-dose right after weight workouts). Each full dose of Nitraflex contains 325 mg of caffeine. Bump this up to a full dose when you can tolerate it. The best way to do this is to start with a half-dose of Nitraflex to determine your tolerance take this in right before you train. GAT Man of Steel Stack: $63.99 ($125 value) plus FREE GAT Lifting Straps.Įvery red-blooded guy wants to increase his muscle mass as much as he can, and as quickly as possible. Research shows that taking 600 mg of n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) twice a day, supports increased levels of the blood-building hormone erythropoietin (EP), associated with boosts in many of the constituents of your blood’s volume, including hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cell size. This post-workout formulation includes ingredients that help increase blood plasma and muscle cell volume. Ascent Protein offers the best whey protein, plant protein, pre-workout, recovery water, and micellar casein products to improve your athletic performance. and showed the importance of the alpha helix and beta sheet in protein. We recommend using Alpha- AF as a PCT supplement after using STEEL Andros. Linus Carl Pauling FRS was an American chemist, biochemist, chemical engineer. ALPHA-AF promotes natural T while working to control E levels throughout its usage. Many bodybuilders and other athletes seek muscle pumps while they’re training, but GAT has formulated Adenoflex to encourage your body to maintain that pump after you train, too. T maintains strength and encourages lean muscle mass & drive.